26 October 2024 Saturday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

05.06.2024 Fevzi Çondur, Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman, Demanded the Complete Abolition of the Quota Set by the Ministry of Commerce as of November 1, 2024.

05.06.2024 Fevzi Çondur, Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman, Demanded the Complete Abolition of the Quota Set by the Ministry of Commerce as of November 1, 2024.

The joint declaration published by 20 Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, under the coordination of the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters Association, regarding the request to lift the export ban on olive oil received a response from the Ministry of Commerce.

Immediately after the start of this ban, Aydın decided to lift the export ban on olive oil, which is one of the important export products of Aydın. 20 Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, including the Commodity Exchange, published a joint statement. In this published declaration, it was pointed out that the fact that the ban on bulk and barreled olive oil exports was not lifted for 10 months on August 1, 2023 had a negative impact on the Turkish olive oil sector, and it was requested that the ban on bulk and barreled olive oil exports be lifted immediately. The request in this joint declaration, which also included Aydın Commodity Exchange, was accepted by the Ministry of Commerce.

While the Ministry of Commerce decided to relax the ban upon intense demands from the olive oil sector, it allowed Turkish olive oil exporters to export bulk and barreled olive oil with a quota of 50 thousand tons until November 1, 2024.

Fevzi Çondur, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aydın Commodity Exchange, said that the Ministry of Commerce welcomed the decision to relax the olive oil export ban. Mr. Çondur said, “We, as representatives of 20 Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, published a joint declaration under the coordination of the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters Association. We drew attention to the negative effects of the bulk and barreled olive oil export ban, which came into force on August 1, 2023, on our industry and requested that this ban be lifted. As a result of the intense contact and negotiations held with the Ministry, the Ministry of Commerce's relaxation of the ban decision and allocation of a certain quota will have a positive impact on the olive oil sector."

Mr. Çondur said, “We believe that this decision offers an important opportunity for both our producers and exporters. Granting an export quota and utilizing the olive oils in our stocks is a critical step for the sustainability of the olive oil industry and increasing our export potential. It is pleasing for all of us that our joint efforts have yielded positive results. We would like to thank the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters' Association and all our Chamber and Commodity Exchange representatives who contributed to this process. "We will continue our efforts to grow our industry and increase our export capacity with determination."


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry