27 July 2024 Saturday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


Year of 2019
04.05.2019 Contuct In Busıness Life and To Deal With Crusty
30.09.2019-  01-02.10.2019 Olive Oil Operator Training

Year of 2018
12.01.2018 Will Your Strore Be Left To The Grandchildren?
26.05.2018 Leadership Training
11.10.2018 Brand Creation and Branding Training
17-18-19.10.2018 Olive Oil OperatorTraning

Year of 2017
25.01.2017 Startegic Planning and Strategic Management Training
26-27.01.2017 Brand Creation and Branding Training
27-28.02.2017 Training of  Institutionalization in Family Company
23.03.2017 Olive Oil Tasting Training
27.05.2017  Effective Communication and Successful Presentation Techniques
04.11.2017 Corporate Culture Training
Year of 2016
28.01.2016 Press Member Olive Oil Tasting Training
30.01.2016 Time Management Training
27.02.2016 Rights of Employer Training
26.03.2016 Teamwork Training
19.04.2016 Training of Institutionalization in Family Company
16.06.2016 URGE Management Skills Development and Leadership Training
28-29.09.2016 Sales Marketing Trainig
15-16.12.2016 International Trade Training

Year of 2015
12.02.2015 Business Planning  and Time Management
31.03.2015 Professional Management Skills
18.04.2015 Stress, Conflict Management  and Anger Management in Organizaitons
16.06.2015 Product and Brand Management
11.08.2015 Hygiene Training
23.10.2015 Corporate Culture Training

Year of 2014
25.02.2014 You Must Have A Brand
27.06.2014 Occupational Health and Safety Training

Year of 2013
16.02.2013 Development of Sales Skills
14-17.03.2013 Olive Oil Operator Training

Rekabet Kurumu
Ticaret Bakanlığı
Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı