10 February 2025 Monday
Reference Number: TR32/23/TD/0018
Programme: Southern Aegean Regional Development Agency,Technical Support
Project Effective Date: May 7/8/9 2024-July 30 2024
Budget: 100.000 Turkish Liras
While combating climate change, European Union countries aim to reduce resource dependency and follow policies to produce recyclable products that consume less energy and use recycled content instead of basic raw materials. Convertible product, which means sustainable production, not only deals with environmental problems but also economic and environmental impacts. In this context "Clear Management with Green Transformation" project was created in order to implement sustainable production initiatives by adopting circular economy models by the members of Aydın Commodity Exchange and to lay certain foundations in innovation-qualified studies; The project was carried out through training and consultancy activities.
In the training held on 7-8-9 May 2024, through Dcube Circular Economy Consultancy and Sustainability Trade J.S. Company, and attended by companies engaged in olive, olive oil and fig production or trade in our city; Relationship between Sustainability and Development, Risks to Biodiversity, International Sustainability Agenda, European Union Green Deal Action and Practices, Farm to Fork Strategy, International Standards and Procedures on Resource Efficiency (ISO 14046 Water Footprint Analysis), SKDM Carbon Market, National Emission Trading System, Explanations were provided on Circular Economy, Development of Sustainability Governance in Agricultural Enterprises, Financial Management and Relevant Support and Incentives in Green Transformation Financing.
After the training, based on the confirmation provided by the officials of Dcube Circular Economy Consultancy and Sustainability Trade Joint Stock Company, the creation of two separate guides, which were expected to be more useful for the project participants, was discussed. "Clear Management with Green Transformation" for Olive/Olive Oil Producers, documents, created to ensure project sustainability, support the work in the fields of agricultural activity of the actions carried out within the framework of the European Green Deal. In this regard, the legislation deemed necessary for both producers and exporters has been completed with the green transformation guide in agricultural production; Green transformation efforts have been accelerated for olives/olive oil and figs, which are the dominant products of our province.
“Green Transformation Road Map For Fig Producers” CLICK THE LINK
“Green Transformation Road Map For OLIVE/OLIVE OIL Producers”” CLICK THE LINK
Reference No: TR32/22/05/43/23
Southern Aegean Regional Development Agency, Technical Support
Project Effective Date:27.02.2023- 10.03.2023
Budget: 60.000 Turkish Liras
In order to increase the competitiveness of businesses whose basic strategic qualities are determined by export-import mobility, they need to reach the emotional activations of consumers, observe changing markets and make brand analyzes that will create added value. Aydın Commodity Exchange has applied to the 2022 Technical Assistance program within the South Aegean Development Agency under the project" New Identity in Branding and Marketing" in order to improve the trading capacity of its members and increase national and international competitiveness.
With the New Identity in Branding and Marketing project, Aydın Commodity Exchange to the members; Training and consultancy activities were provided on strategic brand management and the impact of neuromarketing on branding, the importance of the geographical indication label, creating brand awareness among consumers, global marketing management, and important factors in bilateral negotiations for the European retail market.
Project No: TR32/20/06/73/47
Southern Aegean Regional Development Agency
Project Effective Date: 7-18/06/2021
Budget: 47.302 TL
Scope: For economic and social development of Aydın region, Aydın Commodity Exchange could purpose to make the members more effective in exports, improving the foreign trade capacity and online privileged activity in the world market.
Conclusion:Through Training and Counseling of Export Enforcement and Online Fairs, Aydın Commodity Exchange's website for the organizations that wish to export for the needs and requirements of the agriculture-based industry, our members from majority also, has been constructed a foreign trade roadmap; analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of e-commerce (SWOT), our exporters face, in today's global economic conditions to benefit from the privileges of online activity in their markets to recognize the ease of exports with our consultant.
Contracting Authority: European Union Vocational Training Programme Lonardo Da Vinci Mobility Projects
Role of Project: Project Partner
Project No: 2011-1-TR1- LE002-26123
Date of Start & End :06.05.2012/26.05.2012 Italy
Web Address:
Budget of Project : 35.200 €
Purpose: Licensed warehouses in Italy were examined and arranged to contribute to the necessary work for the province of Aydın. Aydın Commodity Exchange was a partner in this project because it is an effective force in the region.
Result of Project: The Participants of Aydın Commodity Exchange found an opportunity to learn how the Licenced Warehousing system work when it has been on operating conditions and how to effect Commodity Exchange.
Contructing Authority: Head of Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Role of Project: Project Partner
Project No: 2013 /E-12
Date of Start & End : 2013
Web Address:
Budget of Project : 23.970,00 TL
Purpose: With the new, sustainable lavender growing in Aydın province, which has a wide bazaar network both at home and abroad, it is aimed to ensure the participation of women who have migrated to our province in business and social life and to contribute to the economic empowerment of their families along with our women who are in the target group.
Result of Project: 40 women were involved in social life and production activities in this project. Of the lavender seedlings planted, 3% in the first year, 10% in the second year, 60% in the third year, 4. 100% of the year lavender is obtained. Our women growth lavander using organic farming and biological struggle in the land of 10 decares where is donee land from by a charitable. Harvested lavantas are decorated with ingredients by the members of the cooperative and offered for sale as wedding candy, gift, lavender oil, soap, essence. Project has been provided to sustainablety in the city and a new business area has been created for our women in our province.
Contructing Authority: European Union
Role of Project: Project Partner
Project No: 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004665
Date of Start & End: 01.09.2015- 31.08.2017
Budget: 290.000,00€
Purpose: This project aims to develop the organization and planning and control skills for the growth and expansion of SMEs, especially in the food sector. At the same time, it aims to define development and permanence, improve on efficient management issues, as well as gain organizational and planning and control skills.
Result of Project: Meetings were held with Salerno Chamber of Commerce in Italy, Milan Chamber of Commerce, Lyon Chamber of Commerce in France, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Athens Chamber of Commerce.
Contructing Authority: GEKA ( South Aegean Development Agency)
Role of Project: Project Owner
Project No: TR32/15/TD/0084
Date of Start: 21-27/12/2015
Budget: 12.000,00 TL
Prupose: With Global PMP and MS Project program, it is aimed to learn time planning to write projects more effectively and to be able to correctly learn and apply the task distribution of the projects to be written.
Result of Project: Program training was given to Aydın Commodity Exchange and other institutions and organizations.
Contructing Authority: European Uninon
Role of Project: Project Owner
Project No: 2016-1-TR01-KA102-030182
Date of Start & End: 01.06.2016- 30.06.2016
Budget: 47.928,00 €
Purpose: Sensory analysis is a legal criterion in olive oil production and trade. This project aimed to train new degustators in order to free their development and foreign dependence in Turkey and to ensure the permanence of this system.
Result of Project: Expert olive oil tasting panelists of Aydın Commodity Exchange consisting of 9 people completed completed two weeks of “Degustator instructor” training at the training institution by Italy s Assoform Rimini Forlì-Cesena S.C.a R.L. With this project, it aims to turn it into a training unit that trains degustators. With this project, it aims to turn it into a training unit that trains degustators.
Contructing Authority: KOSGEB
Role of Project: Project Owner
Project No: 2015-631-1029
Date of Start: 31.08.2015- 31.08.2017
Budget: 181.603,00 TL
Purpose: The specific aim of the project is to increase domestic market share of Aydın Province’s olive oil and olive oil brands obtained from Memecik olive. The overall aim of the project is to increase the consumption of olive oil per capita and olive oil brands in Turkey.
Result of Project: 20,000 people were made to taste olive oil and all the characteristics of a real olive oil were explained.
Contructing Authority: Turkish Republic Ministry of Economics
Role of Project: Project Owner
Project No: 15.UR-GE.50
Date of Start: 15.10.2015- 07.03.2018
Budget: 1.570.000- 1.770.500 USD
Purpose: the aim is ensuring that the companies operating in the regional food sector in Aydin sustainably increase their exports to countries where the development rate is high and Turkey has a relatively low market share to make the internal structure suitable to export strategies, to give the companies systematic foreign trade and market research competence.
Result of Project: In our article dated 14.02.2018 and numbered 007-133 sent to SME and cluster support of Ministry of Economy General Directorate of exports, it was reported that the participating companies could not participate in the project under the excuse of work intensity and it was reported that they wanted to withdraw from the project.