16 February 2025 Sunday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Supplier Clarification Text

purpose and basıs

This document has been prepared in accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles for Fulfilling the Obligation to Inform," pursuant to Article 10 of the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data," with the aim of fulfilling the obligation to inform data subjects by the data controller or persons authorized by the data controller at the time personal data is collected. The document is based on the relevant Law, Regulation, and Communiqués.


  1. Data Subject: Refers to the natural person whose personal data is being processed.

  2. Data Controller: Refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.

    The definitions not included in this document shall be governed by the definitions in the Law, Regulations, and Communiqués.


This document applies to our Members whose personal data is processed within the framework of the relevant Laws and Regulations and in line with our activities.


The following principles are adhered to in the processing of personal data:

  • Personal data is processed in accordance with the law and good faith.
  • Personal data is processed accurately and, when necessary, kept up to date.
  • Personal data is processed for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
  • Personal data is processed in a manner that is relevant, limited, and proportionate to the purposes for which it is processed.
  • Personal data is retained for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or for the period stipulated by the relevant legislation.


data controller




Ata Mahallesi 738 sk. No:2 Efeler/AYDIN


+90 256 211 50 00 - +90 256 211 61 45/46/47


+90 256 211 63 15




Data Category Personal Data Retention and Destruction Period
Identity Name-Surname 10 Years
  Turkish ID Number 10 Years
Employment Resume 10 Years
Contact Phone Number 10 Years
  Email 10 Years
  Fax 10 Years
  Address 10 Years
Professional Education Details 10 Years
Experience Diploma Details 10 Years
Customer Invoice Details 10 Years
Finance Bank Details 10 Years
Legal Lawsuit File Information 15 Years
Image/Audio Photograph 10 Years
Physical Camera Recordings 15 Days


Personal data of suppliers are processed for the following purposes:

  1. Execution of Emergency Management Processes
  2. Execution of Information Security Processes
  3. Execution of Audit/Ethics Activities
  4. Execution of Training Activities
  5. Execution of Activities in Compliance with Legislation
  6. Ensuring the Security of Physical Spaces
  7. Execution of Finance and Accounting Processes
  8. Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs
  9. Execution of Communication Activities
  10. Execution of Occupational Health and Safety Activities
  11. Execution of Logistics Activities
  12. Execution of Goods/Services Procurement Processes
  13. Organization and Event Management
  14. Execution of Performance Evaluation Processes
  15. Execution of Contractual Processes
  16. Tracking of Requests/Complaints
  17. Execution of Investment Processes
  18. Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations
  19. Other (Preparation of Activity Reports, Social Media Announcements, Activity Announcements, Press Releases, Website Announcements)


As per Article 8 of the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data," personal data cannot be transferred to third parties without the explicit consent of the data subject.

Personal data may be transferred to third parties without the data subject's explicit consent in cases where the processing of personal data is allowed without consent. Similarly, sensitive personal data, except for those relating to health and sexual life, may be transferred without the data subject's explicit consent in cases stipulated by law, provided that adequate precautions are taken. Personal data related to health and sexual life may only be transferred without the data subject’s explicit consent for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, or for the planning and management of healthcare services and their financing, by persons or authorized institutions under confidentiality obligations.

The provisions of other laws related to the transfer of personal data are reserved.

Your personal data may be transferred to:

  • Institutions or organizations authorized by law,
  • Public legal entities such as the Personal Data Protection Authority, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, and Information and Communication Technologies Authority,
  • Our parent organizations, our affiliated organizations, and/or direct or indirect domestic/foreign affiliates,
  • Domestic/foreign organizations and suppliers from which we receive services, cooperate with, or who are jointly responsible with us for the protection of personal data, preventing unauthorized access, and taking institutional security measures, within the limits of the personal data processing conditions and purposes stated in Articles 8 and 9 of the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data."


Personal data is collected through verbal, written, or electronic means during the continuation of activities based on the following laws:

  • Labor Law
  • Occupational Health and Safety Law
  • Social Security Law
  • Turkish Commercial Code
  • Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Commodity Exchanges
  • Obligations Law
  • Execution and Bankruptcy Law
  • Law on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combatting Crimes Committed Through These Publications
  • Law on the Protection of Personal Data
  • Other relevant legal legislation.


Our suppliers and their employees can exercise the following rights by applying to our institution regarding their personal data:

  • To learn whether personal data is processed,
  • To request information if it has been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom it has been transferred domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction if it has been processed incompletely or inaccurately,
  • To request deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of Article 7 of the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data",
  • To request that the transactions carried out pursuant to subparagraphs (e) and (f) be notified to the third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • To claim compensation for damages in case of unlawful processing.

As per Article 13(1) of the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data," you can submit your requests to exercise the rights listed above in writing or via a KEP account with an electronic signature.

To exercise these rights, you can fill out the "Personal Data Application Form" and submit the signed version to AYDIN TİCARET BORSASI Ata Mahallesi Denizli Bulvarı No:18 AYDIN in person with identification documents, send it via a notary, or submit the form via registered electronic mail to aydinticaretborsasi@hs01.kep.tr with a secure electronic signature.


  • Law on the Protection of Personal Data
  • Labor Law
  • Occupational Health and Safety Law
  • Social Security Law
  • Turkish Commercial Code
  • Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Commodity Exchanges
  • Obligations Law
  • Execution and Bankruptcy Law
  • Law on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combatting Crimes Committed Through These Publications
  • Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles for Fulfilling the Obligation of Clarification
  • Personal Data Application Form (FRM.131)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry