24 October 2024 Thursday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Other Real Person Clarification Text


This document has been prepared based on the relevant Law, Regulation, and Notifications in order to fulfill the obligation of disclosure by the data controller or authorized persons to the concerned individuals in accordance with Article 10 of the “Personal Data Protection Law” and in compliance with the “Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Followed in Fulfilling the Obligation of Disclosure.”


Concerned Person: Refers to the natural person whose personal data is processed. Data Controller: Refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system. Other Natural Person: Refers to natural persons other than employees, employee candidates, suppliers, and members affected by our institution's activities, such as tenants, real persons participating in our activities (meetings, training, seminars, etc.), employees of other chambers/exchanges, public institution employees, real persons involved in purchases and sales by our members. For definitions not included in this document, the definitions in the Law, Regulation, and Notifications apply.


This document applies to Other Natural Persons whose personal data we process in line with the relevant Law and Regulations and within the scope of our activities.


The following principles are adhered to in the processing of personal data:

  • Personal Data is processed lawfully and in good faith.
  • Personal Data is processed accurately and kept up-to-date where necessary.
  • Personal Data is processed for specific, clear, and legitimate purposes.
  • Personal Data is processed in a manner that is relevant, limited, and proportionate to the purposes for which it is processed.
  • Personal Data is retained for the period required by the relevant legislation or for the purpose for which it is processed 

data controller




Ata Mahallesi 738 sk. No:2 Efeler/AYDIN


+90 256 211 50 00 - +90 256 211 61 45/46/47


+90 256 211 63 15




Data Category Personal Data Retention and Destruction Period
Identity Name-Surname 10 Years
  National ID Number 10 Years
  Civil Registration Information 10 Years
  Passport Information 10 Years
Communication Telephone Number 10 Years
  E-Mail 10 Years
  Fax 10 Years
  Address 10 Years
Customer Transaction Invoice Information 10 Years
  Bank Information 10 Years
Visual and Audio Records Photograph 10 Years
Physical Space Security Camera Recordings 15 Days


Personal data of Other Natural Persons is processed for the following purposes:

  1. Ensuring Compliance with Legislation
  2. Ensuring Physical Space Security
  3. Carrying Out Communication Activities
  4. Conducting/Monitoring Business Activities
  5. Organizing and Managing Events
  6. Conducting Contractual Processes
  7. Carrying Out Strategic Planning Activities
  8. Tracking Requests/Complaints
  9. Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations
  10. Creating and Tracking Visitor Records
  11. Other (Preparing Activity Reports, Social Media Announcements, Activity Announcements, Press Releases, Website News and Announcements)


According to Article 8 of the “Personal Data Protection Law,” personal data cannot be transferred to third parties without the explicit consent of the data subject.

Personal data may be transferred to third parties without the explicit consent of the data subject in cases where the data can be processed without consent. Likewise, special categories of personal data, excluding those related to health and sexual life, may be transferred without explicit consent in cases stipulated by law, provided that adequate precautions are taken. Personal data related to health and sexual life may only be transferred without explicit consent for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment, and care services, and for the planning and management of health services and their financing, by persons or authorized institutions and organizations who are under the obligation of confidentiality.

Provisions in other laws regarding the transfer of personal data remain reserved.

Personal data can be transferred within the scope of fulfilling the purposes defined in the “Purpose of Processing Personal Data of Other Natural Persons” to:

  • Institutions and organizations permitted by the relevant laws such as the "Turkish Commercial Code," "Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Chambers and Exchanges," "Obligations Law," "Capital Market Law," "Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing Law," "Execution and Bankruptcy Law," "Occupational Health and Safety Law," "Law on Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts," "Personal Data Protection Law," and other relevant legislation;
  • Public legal entities such as the Personal Data Protection Authority, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, Information and Communication Technologies Authority;
  • Our parent organization, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, and other chambers and exchanges affiliated with the Union;
  • Our affiliates and/or direct/indirect domestic/foreign subsidiaries;
  • Domestic/foreign organizations and suppliers with whom we cooperate and receive services, and who are jointly and severally responsible for taking institutional security measures such as the retention of personal data, prevention of unauthorized access, and preventing unlawful processing.


Personal data is collected orally, in writing, or electronically during the continuation of activities conducted for the purposes defined under the “Purpose of Processing Personal Data of Other Natural Persons,” based on:

  • "Turkish Commercial Code"
  • "Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Chambers and Exchanges"
  • "Obligations Law"
  • "Capital Market Law"
  • "Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing Law"
  • "Execution and Bankruptcy Law"
  • "Occupational Health and Safety Law"
  • "Law on Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts"
  • "Personal Data Protection Law"
  • Other relevant legislation.


Other Natural Persons may apply to our institution to request information about the following:

  • Whether their personal data is processed,
  • If processed, to request information,
  • The purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with this purpose,
  • The third parties to whom the data is transferred within the country or abroad,
  • The correction of incomplete/incorrectly processed data,
  • The deletion/destruction of personal data in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the "Personal Data Protection Law,"
  • The notification of actions taken in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) to the third parties to whom the data was transferred,
  • Objecting to a result that occurs against the individual as a result of analysis carried out exclusively through automated systems,
  • Compensation for damages incurred due to unlawful processing of personal data.

Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 1 of the “Personal Data Protection Law,” you can submit your requests regarding your rights by applying to our institution in writing or through an electronically signed KEP address.

To exercise your rights mentioned above, you can send a completed and signed copy of the "Personal Data Application Form" along with identity verification documents to AYDIN COMMODITY EXCHANGE, Ata Mahallesi Denizli Bulvarı No:18 AYDIN, in person or through a notary, or submit the form via aydinticaretborsasi@hs01.kep.tr with a secure electronic signature.


  • Personal Data Protection Law
  • Turkish Commercial Code
  • Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Chambers and Exchanges
  • Obligations Law
  • Capital Market Law
  • Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing Law
  • Execution and Bankruptcy Law
  • Occupational Health and Safety Law
  • Law on Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts
  • Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Followed in Fulfilling the Obligation of Disclosure
  • Personal Data Application Form (FRM.131)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry