24 October 2024 Thursday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

"39th Issue: Together Always 'YİNGARİ'

Nail Nuri Ağaçcı, who developed a recipe for a dessert made by his wife with chocolate and dried figs and produced various products, has entered the global market with the "YİNGARİ" brand.

 What was your experience during the branding process? With regard to dried figs, in which our country is a world leader in production and export, you have value-added product sales and you are introducing the value of Aydın figs to the world with your innovative products under the international brand "Figsbury." How is this process progressing? In the future, would you like to undertake similar work with other important agricultural products of Aydın (such as Aydın Chestnut, Aydın Pine Nut)?

The Figsbury brand essentially means Fig Stuffed, though such a product does not exist in the global literature. We put a lot of effort into changing people’s habits through tastings and promotions. Previously, I made a crystal sugar-free product flavored with fig honey, which I released to the market. We now have another project related to chestnuts, and detailed work on this is ongoing. We plan to share it as soon as possible. We had previously created a fig pouch with pine nuts, but due to the high cost of pine nuts, we discontinued its production.


From which countries are you receiving demand?

We have exports to the United Kingdom, Belarus, France, China, Ireland, the USA, the UAE, and Kazakhstan. These countries show a high level of demand for the Yingari brand, which makes us very happy. Promoting the Yingari brand in national and international markets and receiving recognition for our efforts makes us very proud.


Did you receive consultancy services from the Borsa's Brand Patent and Consultancy Office? What benefits did you gain from this service?

To develop the trademark and patent process of our Yingari brand, we received consultancy services from the “Aydın Commodity Exchange Brand and Patent Consultancy Office,” which was provided in collaboration with Aydın Commodity Exchange and Özener Brand and Patent Consultancy Office. Through consultations with Aydın Commodity Exchange’s Industrial Property Consultant Huriye Özener and Project and Brand Patent Officer Emine Ceylan Özdemir, we gained insights into branding processes, innovations, and WIPO. We are very grateful to the Aydın Commodity Exchange for their support. We are confident that with the brand and consultancy services we have received, we will further increase the recognition of the Yingari brand.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry