24 October 2024 Thursday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

"40th Issue: More Than Just Olive Oil


What kind of efforts are you undertaking in branding as Yeşilbaşak Olea Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

We have embarked on a search for a brand to introduce the unique taste of the products we produce in a memorable way to consumers. During this process, we started with the fundamental idea that the brand should represent both a different kind of olive oil and reflect who we are. Initially, we considered the name "YEŞİLBAŞAK OLEA," which is also the name of our company, and turned it into a brand. Additionally, to honor the significant contributions of women in this industry, we established our second brand, “Miss,” as “MİSSOLEA” (Lady Olive Oil). While doing this, we aimed to highlight both the efforts of women and the beauty of the feminine spirit, just as we do with the beauty of olive oil. We shaped the visual and textual designs related to this with the help of professionals. Believing that the Yeşilbaşakolea and Missolea brands evoke both memorability and the elements of taste, quality, and hygiene they contain, we have completed the necessary registrations in this direction.

As a result, the elements of taste, quality, and hygiene embodied by our brands have crowned us with the title of Turkey Champion for two consecutive years, as well as with Gold Medals in countries like Japan, Israel, the UK, and Germany.

What awards has your brand received since the day you started operating?

- The Gold Medal in the fruitiness category at the 2021 and 2022 Olive Oil Quality Competitions organized by the Turkish National Olive Council.
- The Gold Medal at the 14th National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality Competition organized by the Zeytindostu Association.
- The Gold Medal at the Aydın Memecik Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality Competition.

Additionally, we received Gold Medals at the London 2021, Terrolivo 2021, and Japan 2022 competitions.

What is the next goal for your company? Will there be any new project developments?

We are participating in various international events to introduce our unique flavors to other countries. In this context, our efforts continue in Japan, the United States, and European countries.


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry